
250_tankThere are lots of national, regional, and local resources that can help you green your project! Check out these

links for starters.

The NC Drinking Water Protection Program promotes long-term protection of the State’s public drinking water sources through mapping and identification of activities with potential to threaten or protect the source.

NC Dept. of Environmental Quality defines and provides tools for Low Impact Development (LID) to minimize stormwater impacts.

Green stormwater infrastructure is recommended by US EPA for managing wet weather impacts. The American Society of Landscape Architects provides a broader overview of green infrastructure as high performing green spaces, with links to supporting organizations’ sites.

The Green Growth Toolbox from the NC Wildlife Resources Commission provides resources and guidance on nature-friendly planning and site design.

The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System™ encourages sustainable green building and development practices by coordinating universal tools and performance criteria. The US Green Building Council runs LEED and has an active NC Community.

Home Innovation Research Labs certifies new or existing residential developments through the National Green Building Standard (NGBS).

The NC HealthyBuilt Homes Program certifies homes that meet “green home guidelines” indicating that the home is comfortable, healthy, affordable, reduces energy and water use, promotes use of renewable energy, and helps protect the homesite’s natural resources.

ENERGY STAR is a joint program of the U.S. EPA and the U.S. Department of Energy that promotes products and practices that save money and protect the environment.

The Low Impact Development Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of planning and engineering designs that maintain and enhance the pre-development watershed hydrology of a site to be developed.

NCSU Biological & Agricultural Engineering has publications and a team of staff and students that research and promote integrated stormwater management and maintenance.

Water Use it Wisely is an interactive website where visitors learn ways to save water at home. Also check out this article on water conservation techniques with lots more links and resources.

The NC Clean Energy Technology Center advances a sustainable energy economy by educating, demonstrating, and providing support for clean energy technologies, practices, and policies.


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